Leicester Bryce Stovell

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 06.29.18

* Justice Kennedy may be stepping down from the Supreme Court, but that doesn't mean he won't have a job. The dean of the University of the Pacific’s McGeorge School of Law already called the soon-to-be retireee and offered him a teaching position. Will Kennedy become a law professor? [Sacramento Business Journal] * The suspect in the Capital Gazette shooting has been identified as Jarrod Ramos. Ramos filed and lost a defamation suit against the newspaper in 2012 for correctly reporting that he'd pleaded guilty to criminal harassment. At least five people were killed during the shooting spree, and several others were seriously injured. [CNBC] * Does the death penalty violate the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution? At this rate, we may never find out because the Supreme Court keeps turning down cases challenging the issue. Justice Breyer is getting really upset about this, and dissented in both of the Court's denials this week. [National Law Journal] * Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is known to her fans as the Notorious R.B.G., and now she's got an album that's bears the exact same name. "Notorious R.B.G in Song" is a musical tribute that was created by her children, and even includes jokes about her horrible cooking skills. [WOSU Radio] * Remember Leicester Bryce Stovell, the lawyer who claimed via failed lawsuit that he was NBA legend LeBron James's father? He just got disbarred. [American Lawyer]

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Non-Sequiturs: 09.17.10

* Who’s tougher: lawyers or accountants? [Going Concern] * In defense of hiring gunners. [What About Clients?] * Thrilla in Manila for con law nerds: Pam Karlan and Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz debate constitutional interpretation (with Dahlia Lithwick moderating). [American Constitution Society] * Look before you leap pee. [Young Lawyers Blog] * D.C. attorney Leicester Bryce […]