Maryanne Trump Barry

  • Morning Docket: 04.12.19
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 04.12.19

    * Judge Maryanne Trump Barry recently retired from the Third Circuit, meaning that the judicial ethics inquiry into her alleged inheritance tax evasion be all for naught. [Associated Press]

    * No, it isn’t true that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Supreme Court papers won’t be released “until a hundred years after the last justice with whom she has served is no longer alive.” Much like conspiracy theorists’ claims about RBG’s death, that would be insane. [National Law Journal]

    * Numerous progressive groups have asked the House of Representatives to investigate Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s “sham confirmation process” after he was accused of sexual misconduct — but it’s unlikely this will go anywhere. [BuzzFeed]

    * In case you missed it, former Skadden partner Greg Craig was charged in connection with the Mueller investigation for making false statements to the DOJ that were tied to his work for Ukraine. If you recall, former Skadden associate Alexander van der Zwaan was the first to be sentenced in the Mueller probe. [American Lawyer]

    * “I’m used to always being the caretaker for other people. It’s not natural for me to accept help.” Dean Lyrissa Lidsky of the University of Missouri School of Law is battling breast cancer, and her law school colleagues and students have offered her all of their support. We’re with you too, Dean! #LidskyStrong []

    * Pharma bro Martin Shkreli, whose prison pals “affectionately call him ‘asshole,” is reportly fighting an antitrust lawsuit from solitary confinement. [Big Law Business]

  • Morning Docket: 08.18.16
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 08.18.16

    * A Brazilian judge ordered that Olympic swimmers Ryan Lochte and Jimmy Feigen surrender their passports and remain in Rio until investigators can determine whether they filed a false police report of being robbed at gunpoint. There’s one problem: Lochte is back in America. Jeah! [USA Today]

    * As we mentioned yesterday, according to NALP, law school graduates in the class of 2015 landed fewer jobs in private practice than any other class in the past 20 years. There is a bright side, though: Biglaw firms are hiring in droves and the median starting salary for new lawyers has risen to $100,000, which is 5 percent higher than it was for the class of 2014. [DealBook / New York Times]

    * Graduates who sued Widener Law in 2012 over the school’s allegedly deceptive employment statistics lost a federal appeal to overturn a denial of class certification. A three-judge panel of the Third Circuit — one which included Donald Trump’s sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry — rejected a class-wide theory of damages. []

    * Legal ethics professor Ronald Rotunda of Chapman Law wrote an op-ed striking out against the ABA’s adoption of a new professional misconduct rule which seeks to combat discrimination and bias in the law. He refers to the new rule as a misguided “foray into political correctness,” and thinks the ABA overstepped its bounds. [WSJ Law Blog]

    * “At best he was doing something profundity stupid with the hopes of meeting someone he will never get to meet in his lifetime.” A lawyer for Stephen Rogata, the teen who scaled Trump Tower, says her client should receive psychiatric treatment instead of jail time. He’s being held on $10,000 bail bond or $5,000 cash. [New York Daily News]

  • Sponsored

  • Non-Sequiturs: 06.17.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 06.17.16

    * A plea to strike down Mississippi’s “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act,” which gives special privileges to opponents of gay marriage. [Bloomberg View]

    * Not every litigation financier is Peter Thiel, and I think we are all pretty happy about that. [Wall Street Journal]

    * What can Judge Maryanne Trump Barry teach her brother about the federal judiciary? [Real Clear Politics]

    * Musings on why some law firms still haven’t matched the Cravath pay bump. [Law and More]

    * These are the facts people need to know about gun laws. [Slate]

    * This is what estate planning attorneys wished you knew about death and dying. [Forbes]

  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 05.18.16

    * Check your spam folders! The Ticketmaster settlement email may be in there. [Slate] * Conservative lawyer Ted Olson is drafting an amicus for companies opposed to North Carolina’s anti-transgender bathroom law, HB2. [Time] * Amanda Knox can now sue Italy for an unfair trial. [New York Post] * Will there be a long-term chilling effect […]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 03.09.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.09.16

    * Karma alert: West Virginia lawmakers celebrated legalizing raw milk by drinking some… and they promptly got sick. [Gizmodo]

    * Porn stars with some real talk about the First Amendment — all while being tastefully blurred. [Funny or Die]

    * Everything old is new again — an illuminating interview with Marcia Clark. [American Lawyer]

    * Inside the financial disclosure of Donald Trump’s sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry. [National Law Journal]

    * Another Trump lawsuit — this time he is accused of stealing tips from servers. [Wonkette]

    * Contract attorney by day, bestselling author by night — congrats to Chloe Neill on all her success! []
