Ron DeSantis

  • Morning Docket: 04.03.23
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 04.03.23

    * New York braces for Trump surrender. A lot of people are talking about how it’s going to be just the best surrender. HUGE. Very classy. [Reuters]

    * Security measures in the city follow a fake bomb threat that turned out to be a Russian ploy. Because… obviously. [Law360]

    * Fenwick & West: Which client is this federal law enforcement subpoena for? Feds: Funny story… [Bloomberg Law News]

    * “Disney didn’t do anything secret. They publicized it, they advertised it,” [a law professor and former GOP legislator] said. “If you’re in Tallahassee, and you’re replacing the board, how do you not know what that board is doing in their public meeting? This was negligence on the part of the governor’s office and Republican legislators.” Yup. [Wall Street Journal]

    * Judge Ho expands clerk hiring boycott to Stanford, ditching “free speech” rationale in favor of religious discrimination claim in bid to reclaim spotlight from Judge Duncan. Well played. [Washington Free Beacon]

    * Lawyers don’t want to be state judges any more. If you can’t drag law schools into a phony Passion play in the WSJ editorial pages, what’s even the point of being a judge? []

  • Morning Docket: 03.31.23
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 03.31.23

    * Ron DeSantis announces that he won’t allow Trump to be extradited to New York. Welcome to the phase of American decline where Florida is basically Somalia. [Politico]

    * Speaking of DeSantis, some more on the Disney fiasco with a nice pull quote! [LA Times]

    * And now more on the Trump situation… Elie Mystal explaining that statutes of limitations are a thing. [The Nation]

    * Wells Fargo to pay $98 million in sanctions for deals with Iran, Syria, and Sudan. The wrongdoing began in predecessor entity Wachovia, who apparently failed to WATCH-OVIA its compliance. I’ll show myself out. [Law360]

    * Biglaw profits are down after a gangbusters 2021. Maybe firms should drop the draconian office surveillance policies and go back to working from home when they were profitable. [American Lawyer]

    * Senators eye guardianship bill of rights so people will officially have to leave Britney alone — and all the other people who didn’t have her access to elite lawyering. [Bloomberg Law News]

    * Italy banning ChatGPT citing privacy regulations, which seems like it’s going to be more of a thing. [Verge]
