Working Moms
Infuriating Story Of The Bullsh*t Working Parents Have To Deal With In The Legal Industry
It doesn't make you a worse attorney to have a modicum of compassion for your opposition. -
Small Law Firms
Kindergartner Lawyers Up, Files Affidavit Over Missing Reading Homework
Tell me your mom is a lawyer without telling me your mom is a lawyer. - Sponsored
Happy Lawyers, Better Results The Key To Thriving In Tough Times
How happiness, a positive workplace, and alignment with the right role can transform not just your own career, but also the success of your clients… -
Women's Issues
Everything Can And Will Go Wrong When You're A Working Mom
Notes to my (legal) self...
Non-Sequiturs: 12.15.17
* What are the legal words of the year? Here’s a hint, Above the Law helped popularize some of them. [Clear Writing]
* What will due process look like for Judge Alex Kozinski? Here’s a hint, a lifetime appointment certainly changes things. [National Law Journal]
* Is law school really “cool” again? Here’s a hint, it never was. [Law and More]
* What do you need to know about tax law in Trumpland? Here’s a hint, Tax Prof Blog has you covered. [Tax Prof Blog]
* Did Florida congressman Matt Gaetz really call for Robert Mueller to be fired? Here’s a hint, he’s not so good at “optics.” [ABC News]
* Do you really have to deal with sleep deprivation as a working mom? Here’s a hint, yes. Yes, you do (and here’re some tips to get through). [CorporetteMoms]
Non-Sequiturs: 12.08.17
* Corporations: 1. Unpaid Interns: 0. [Hollywood Reporter]
* Don Jr.’s claim of attorney-client privilege over a conversation he had with Daddy probably won’t stand up if Mueller pushes the issue. [Talking Points Memo]
* A review of John Grisham’s latest — when law students go rogue. [Law and More]
* How liberal or conservative are the judges in your state? See the chart on page 1743 of this new study! [SSRN]
* Working moms conquer their toughest holiday challenges. [CorporetteMoms]
* Jobs Attorneys Hate for $100, Alex. Publicly pulling back from your client’s “misunderstanding.” [The Root]
* The battle between former Louisville basketball coach Rick Pitino and Papa John. [Deadspin]
Non-Sequiturs: 05.23.17
* What are the best way for working moms to level up their childcare (assuming you have the money to do so)? [CorporetteMoms]
* It was great that Justice Thomas sided with the majority in the North Carolina gerrymandering case, but here’s the skinny on why Justice Kennedy didn’t sign on as well. [Election Law Blog]
* Louis Vuitton is gearing up to have its day in front of the Supreme Court. [The Fashion Law]
* Is “business casual” in its death throws? [The Atlantic]
* Megyn Kelly is taking on 60 Minutes. [Law and More]
* The latest Moot Court rankings. [TaxProf Blog]
Non-Sequiturs: 12.05.16
* More about Judge Posner’s unusual questioning in a Seventh Circuit case on sexual orientation discrimination. [Rewire]
* And more from Harvard Law professor Larry Lessig about the Electoral College — this time, a Fourteenth Amendment argument against how it operates, not against the institution itself. [Medium]<
* An analysis of the Death Star as a war crime. [The Legal Geeks]
* Sleep tips for working moms. [Corporette]
* I know you’re dying for more info on Biglaw 401(k) plans. [LinkedIn]
* Post-election, is the Supreme Court back to business as usual? [Empirical SCOTUS]
* New dean for Saint Louis University School of Law. [The Faculty Lounge]
* Tips to stop annoying people this holiday season. [Law and More]