Career Center Survey Results: Get Your Bonus ... And Stay

In Tuesday’s survey, we asked whether you left your firm after collecting your 2010 year-end bonus (paid in December for 43% of respondents).

About 14% of respondents reported jumping ship after their bonus checks cleared, while another 8% were in such a hurry to leave that they couldn’t bother waiting around for their bonus money.

That means the vast majority of respondents, 77%, are staying put — at least for now.  About 9% are sticking around a little longer in the hope that their firms up the ante with a spring bonus payment.  Another 18% say they aren’t leaving, but sure wish they could.  Finally, 50% of all respondents report that they are staying at their firms because they are actually quite content at the moment.

Which class years and practice groups are most likely to see post-bonus departures?

A notable 71% of class of 2004 associates say they are content and will remain at their firm.  By contrast, 50% of class of 2002 associates report leaving before or after getting their bonus.

On the practice group front, tax associates are the most likely to stay on at their firm after receiving their bonus, with 83% reporting that they are content.  On the other hand, trusts and estates associates are the most eager to leave, with 50% reporting that they left before or after collecting their bonus.


If you are considering making a lateral move, Lateral Link’s experienced team of search consultants can help you throughout the job search process.

Earlier: Career Center Survey: Going to Take the (Bonus) Money and Run?


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