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Everybody Else Is Reading This
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Everybody Else Is Reading This

Justices Appear Skeptical That Antitrust Lawsuit Over Apple’s App Store Should Be Blocked How Appealing Loxo, Bayer’s Vitrakvi Wins FDA approval. Now Comes The Hard Part: Finding Patients MedCity News Trump White House Resorts To Torture In Hopes Of Stopping GM Layoffs Dealbreaker November Elections Bring New Leadership To The House Of Representatives Breaking Energy
Morning Docket: 11.27.18
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 11.27.18

* So much for that plea deal! Mueller's office says it's caught Manafort in multiple lies since ostensibly reaching an agreement. I'm sure we'll soon hear how this is all a "perjury trap" too. [Huffington Post]

* James Ray III says he shot his girlfriend in self-defense. Sure. []

* Hong Kong aims to be Asia's arbitration hub and its neighbors aren't giving up that title easily. [International]

* There's apparently a DB Cooper convention. Amazing. [Courthouse News Service]

* The Thomas Jefferson School of Law still trying to keep its head above water. [Voice of San Diego]

*Meanwhile, the Florida legislature is looking to clear the obstacles to renaming FSU's law school. [Florida Politics]

* Boies Schiller attempting to chase down deadbeat real estate magnate who stiffed the firm on million-dollar fees. The media keeps calling him a "Chinese dissident" which is technically true, but obscures the whole "fabulously wealthy" part. [Law360]

Jim Harbaugh Is Having A Better Monday Than America — See Also
See Also

Jim Harbaugh Is Having A Better Monday Than America -- See Also

WE ARE A COUNTRY THAT TEAR-GASSES TODDLERS NOW: Trump is now bombing children with pepper spray to make an end-run around the rule of law. IS ROBERT MUELLER GOING TO SAVE US? No. But his report will be lit. SOME BONUS NEWS: Traffic stats tell me that I'm not allowed to tell you which firm matched Cravath. But its initials start with a "D" and end with a "W." SOME MORE BONUS NEWS: We used a picture of money fluttered out like a child's drawing of a turkey. HERE'S THE FULL BONUS SCORECARD SO FAR: All the firms, so far, and what they're paying out in bonuses.