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Morning Docket: 08.09.18
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 08.09.18

* The Keystone Kops that are Trump's legal team have rejected Mueller's interview request and posed a counteroffer to answer only questions about the weather. [ABA Journal]

* If you're getting tired of hearing that the Big 4 will soon come in and crush the rest of the legal landscape... well, too bad, because here's the latest ominous development. [ALM Legal Intelligence]

* Rep. Chris Collins will continue to seek re-election after getting indicted. He must have some hot inside info on his re-election chances. [NBC]

* New York issues a wage base for Uber, Lyft, and other ride-share drivers. And then promptly squanders that good deed by putting a cap on licenses, artificially jacking up the price. [Law360]

* TIL there's a Mexican condom cartel. Now all I can think about is a show like Queen of the South... but for condoms. [Corporate Counsel]

* Alex Jones's lawyer is looking to dox the parents of the children killed at Sandy Hook because everyone involved with Alex Jones is an inhuman monster. [The Hill]

* The law requiring drivers to only use the left lane to pass is "routinely ignored by drivers" This story should read "routinely ignored by bad drivers." [KRISTV]