Clifford Winston

  • Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners

    Size Matters: I Ain’t A Lawyer, I Just Charge A Lot

    Last week, Clifford Winston, drew up some controversy when he suggested that we do away with law school and bar exams and let anyone practice law. Valerie Katz cannot help but wonder if we were to do away with law school and license requirements, would that mean an end to small law firms? How could a small group of trained and experienced attorneys compete with a superstore of the Winston variety of attorney?
  • American Bar Association / ABA, Bar Exams, Law Schools, New York Times

    New York Times Op-Ed Advocates Letting Everybody Play 'Lawyer'

    Occasionally lawyers have to deal with op-eds like the one just featured in the New York Times. Clifford Winston of the Brookings Institution argues that everybody should be allowed to practice law. Seriously, everybody. No law school, no bar exam, if you want to do legal work, go right ahead. Somehow Winston believes that allowing untrained dumbasses to take advantage of poor people who don't know any better will magically help poor people....
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