Small Law Firms

Solos And Small Firm Lawyers: What’s In Your Wallet? (Part III)

Take our anonymous survey and help us fill the information gap.

As shots continue to fly in the 2021 Biglaw Salary Wars and associates wait with bated breath for bonus season to officially begin, those who work in smaller arenas may be feeling left out of the conversation. While all the competitive cash flashing among Biglaw firms may garner more headlines, the vast majority of attorneys in private practice actually work in firms with fewer than 20 lawyers. But there’s much less transparency about compensation in the world of small law. 

That’s why several years ago, Above the Law began surveying solo practitioners and small firm lawyers about their pay. Our first ATL Solo and Small Firm Compensation Report was published in 2016, and a new one followed in 2018. And now it’s time to update our data again. 

If you work at a law firm employing 50 or fewer attorneys, please click here take this brief, completely confidential survey. Please pass the survey along to any of your friends at small firms; the more responses we receive, the more comprehensive the information we’ll have to share.

Thanks in advance!