
It Is Hard To Catch Flights Instead Of Feelings When The Planes Are Down And The Treats Are Poisonous — See Also

Talk about sickly sweet: Going to Hershey Park? Might want to bring a metal detector. Motion in Stupidite: The Court should keep a stock of apples as quack deterrent. Cast your vote for Above The Law's Lawyer of the Year!: No way this will bite us in the ass 4 years from now. Pick a card, any card!: Here are the finalists for the Above The Law Holiday Card Contest! Showing up really is half the battle: Southwest had a bit of trouble departing. Like...a lot of bits, actually.

Small Law Firms

Should You Hire A Digital Marketing Agency In 2023?

Devising and managing a marketing scheme involves much more than creating a website, listing services, and adding blog posts. Online marketing aims to rank higher in search engines than your competition. Achieving high search engine rankings involves a lot of planning, research, and consistent work. Websites must be designed impeccably and provide ease of access […]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 12.30.22

* First razor blades in chocolate, now this?! [Reuters] * The Department of Transportation is tripping over Southwest's refund policies. [Slate] * Ding Dong! The taxes are in! I'm sure this won't prove a bunch of illegal activity! [NBC Philadelphia] * Forget Bitcoin, FTX customers want mum to be the word. [Reuters] * Biden's work to diversify the judiciary is leaving quite the legacy. Thanks, Obama. [AP News]

See Also

A Tale Of Two Sets Of Bonus Shenanigans — See Also

About That Bonus...: Internal communication seems to be a problem at Shearman where associates expecting a matching bonus are being told they may not be getting bonuses at all. All's Well That Ends Well: Foley Hoag sprung a new hours requirement on associates at the last minute, but after pushback the firm has announced that this year's bonuses won't be impacted. You'd Think He'd Know Better: Proskauer is suing its former COO, alleging that he downloaded tons of proprietary information on his way out the door. Which the firm found because its systems monitor for suspicious activity like this. Shouldn't the CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER know how basic IT works? Define Your Terms: The USNWR "boycott" may not be much of a boycott.