The Importance Of Repeating Yourself
Repetition is the key to a successful marketing campaign.
One of the most important marketing things I have learned over my career is that you get to give someone one message (not two or more messages), but even for that message it needs to be repeated again and again and again — and again — or it will just get forgotten.
Of course you want your message to be about your Power Niche, as then all the pieces fall into place. There is ONE message — it is your POWER NICHE — and then you just repeat it AGAIN and AGAIN.
This is so ridiculously simple; however, for whatever reason I cannot fathom, people have a lot of trouble with this. Maybe they think the repetition makes them look foolish — I don’t know — but it is really the key to a successful marketing campaign.
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Consider all the commercials you have seen in your life. You can probably remember the ones you have seen a whole bunch of times and you probably can even recite some of the jingles. For old timers, you can’t forget “I Can’t Believe I Ate the Whole Thing” for Alka Seltzer or the Oscar Meyer Wiener jingle. This is because the message has been drilled into your memory. Like it or not, you have to consistently remind your clients about what your expertise is or — alas — you will be forgotten.
And here is an apocryphal quote from a hypothetical coach of a sports team who laments: “Before the game, I worry that I have repeated myself too many times, but then when the game happens, I realize I haven’t repeated my message nearly enough times.”
Why is it the case that people need constant reminders?
It is not because people are stupid. Not at all. It is because we are constantly barraged with information and even though you may think or hope that every word you utter is remembered by those to whom you utter it, the answer is that this is not the case. We all forget things we are not consistently reminded of.
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I will deliberately keep this article short and hit the message I started with…
One of the most important marketing things I have learned over my career is that you get to give someone one message (not two or more messages), but even for that message it needs to be repeated again and again and again — and again — or it will just get forgotten.
Bruce Stachenfeld is the managing partner of Duval & Stachenfeld LLP, an approximately 70-lawyer law firm based in midtown Manhattan. The firm is known as “The Pure Play in Real Estate Law” because all of its practice areas are focused around real estate. With more than 50 full-time real estate lawyers, the firm is one of the largest real estate law practices in New York City. You can contact Bruce by email at [email protected]. Bruce also writes The Real Estate Philosopher™, which contains applications of Bruce’s eclectic, insightful, and outside-the-box thinking to the real estate world. If you would like to read previous articles or subscribe, please click here.