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Even Amy Coney Barrett Is Tired Of Clarence Thomas — See Also
See Also

Even Amy Coney Barrett Is Tired Of Clarence Thomas -- See Also

Barrett Doesn't Concur With Thomas's Cherry Picking: Nice to see a good opinion from her every once in a while.

It Ain't Easy Pulling Off Mass Shootings: Clarence Thomas praises the skill of using a bump stock.

Stealing Doesn't Rock Nearly As Hard As You'd Think: Maybe some good jailhouse tunes will come of this.

You Have Options!:Five more law schools accept JD-Next.

Check Out Our Law School Ranking!: Read up on the new features too.



Morning Docket: 06.14.24
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 06.14.24

* Even the losers get lucky sometimes as Rudy Giuliani is now free of the Hunter Biden lawsuit. [Daily Beast]

* Meme stock shareholders do meme stock thing and rubberstamp plan to hand half of the company's total assets to its showman CEO. [Law360]

* Everyone was talking about Harvey, for legal-specific AI... but what's has the stealthy company actually done? [Legaltech News]

* There's not much in the mifepristone ruling to satisfy anyone. [Slate]

* Alex Jones owes $1.5 billion in damages and his creditors want the trustee to take over his social media accounts. [Bloomberg Law News]

* Slaughter & May hasn't matched London pay cycle, but explains that it's all part of its unique culture. So remember that when it's time to pay bills! [Roll on Friday]

* Plan to create 66 new judgeships moves forward. Nothing ominous feeling about that number choice... [Reuters]

Stupidity Saves The Day! — See Also
See Also

Stupidity Saves The Day! -- See Also

Dumb Argument Gets Knocked Down At Supreme Court: Abortion medication survives! For now.

Oklahoma Supreme Court Denies Reparations To Tulsa Massacre Survivors: So much for redress.

The Lesson Plans Write Themselves: The YSL RICO case is an easy lay-up for law professors.

Big Money!: Boutique firm spreads the winnings with bonuses.

Unsurprisingly, Clarence Thomas Forgot To Disclose Again: There will probably be a follow-up to this story too.

Alito Complains About ~$6M In Little Things: He's got a bone to pick with good journalism.