Tucker Carlson


  • Morning Docket: 09.25.20
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 09.25.20

    * A company run by Evel Knievel’s son is suing Disney because a character in Toy Story 4 allegedly resembles the late performer. Assuming Disney already has the license for Mr. Potato Head… [AP]

    * A black British lawyer has received an apology after being mistaken as a criminal defendant instead of a lawyer multiple times in a single day. [New York Daily News]

    * A New York attorney has been disbarred for sending “disturbing” emails to the New York City Bar Association and then failing to respond to ethics inquires. [New York Law Journal]

    * A defamation lawsuit filed against Tucker Carlson by Karen McDougal, an alleged paramour of Donald Trump, has been dismissed. [Hill]

    * A well-known immigration lawyer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin has been killed following an altercation with a bicyclist. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

    * An NCIS investigator has won a lawsuit for unpaid overtime pay. Since NCIS is entering its 18th season, everyone involved with that show probably deserves some overtime pay as well… [Bloomberg]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 06.26.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 06.26.17

    * Maybe the news outside of the Supreme Court is a little more positive today? Oh, looks like the CBO scored the GOP healthcare bill and figured out that 22 more people will be… uninsured. Wait, that can’t be right. That’s not what Trump promised and we know that he never, ever lies. [CNN]

    * Donald Trump is now accusing Barack Obama of colluding with the Russians to help Hillary Clinton. Lately, I’ve been really trying to think back to kindergarten to try to remember what precisely I said when a kid said “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.” And I realize, I didn’t have a response. I didn’t have a strategy or polemic designed to blunt the effectiveness of that argument. Kids just, you know, grew up and stopped saying it. … I worry about our future. [NBC News]

    * Note to self: challenging white people on white people television is dangerous for my career. Note from every black intellectual ever: Duh. [The Root]

    * Middletown, Ohio councilman suggests that EMS should stop immediately responding to overdose emergencies to save money. I wish I could be there when the final cost of the wrongful death lawsuit is put into the Middletown budget. Like, it’d almost be worth one of his constituents dying just to see his crying, stupid face when the jury awards damages. [NY Daily News]

    * But not actually worth it. Philando Castile’s family settled with the city for $3 million. And it just reminds me that the cities would rather pay millions of dollars every few times their police officers murder someone, instead of doing anything to stop the murderers and hold their officers accountable. [NPR]

    * Martin Shkreli’s fraud trial started today, but everyone in the jury pool obviously knows the price-gouging douche-bro. So once again we’re in a situation where we’ll need to find jurors who don’t know Shkreli, because to know him is to loathe him. [Are Technica]