Funniest Law Blog Contest: Another Plea for Votes

Ok, one last plug for ATL in the Funniest Law Blog Contest. For those of you who followed the link earlier, you will have noticed that the gap between us and Phila Lawyer has narrowed, although it is still quite wide.
Luckily for us, there are now prizes for second and third places: three signed copies of Chambermaid(we failed to mention the signed part earlier) for second, and two signed copies of Martha Kimes’ Ivy Briefs: True Tales of a Nuerotic Law Student. It appears that this prize will go to Quizlaw, who incidentally has declared shenanigans on Phila Lawyer’s commanding lead (we agree with you Quizlaw, except for the part declaring shenanigans on us being in second; ok, that part’s right too we suppose).
The voting ends Monday, so you still have the weekend to try to get Lat some Billable Hour bling.
