Associate Bonus Watch: Quinn Emanuel Rewards High Billers

It seems that founding partner John Quinn isn't the only one at Quinn Emanuel with a surplus of Benjamins right about now. On Friday, the litigation powerhouse announced its 2011 year-end bonus scale -- and, for the most part, it's more generous than the benchmark Cravath bonus scale....


From: Richard Schirtzer
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011
To: Associates
Cc: Partners
Subject: bonuses

The firm recognizes and appreciates the extraordinary efforts many of you have made this year. As in the past, our bonus schedule tries to acknowledge those efforts. For associates who billed 2100 hours (measured between 12/1/10 and 11/30/11), we are offering a year-end bonus that ranges between $47,000-8,500, depending on seniority. Those who reached higher hours increments will receive progressively more, while those who billed between 2000-2099 hours will receive a bit less. People who were here for a substantial portion of the year, but not the full year, will receive a prorated bonus. Finally, associates who joined us in the last few months will receive either $1000-2000, depending on your start date and hours.

We know some firms have indicated they will pay additional bonuses this Spring. While we are not announcing any specific level of Spring bonuses now, we will certainly match any bonuses that other competitive firms may offer.

Happy holidays to all and thank you. You should receive your individual bonus checks (or have them directly deposited) by Wednesday or Thursday.


Bonus Time

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