Supreme Court Clerk Hiring Watch: The Updated Official List For October Term 2013, And A Request for Tips

Which law schools and feeder judges produced the most Supreme Court clerks for October Term 2013?

The U.S. Supreme Court’s official list of October Term 2013 law clerks appears below. If you like, you can also download as a PDF file.

Farther down the page, we’ve pasted our list of October Term 2014 law clerk hires (so far). If you’re aware of a hire we haven’t reported yet, or have an addition or correction to any of our information, please email us (subject line: “SCOTUS clerk hiring”). Thanks!

OCTOBER TERM 2014 SUPREME COURT CLERK HIRES (as of November 5, 2013)

Chief Justice John G. Roberts
1. Kathryn Cherry (Yale 2013 / Kavanaugh)
2. Chris Michel (Yale 2013 / Kavanaugh)
3. Graham Phillips (Harvard 2013 / Griffith)
4. ?

Justice Antonin Scalia
1. Samuel Eckman (Chicago 2013 / Kozinski)
2. Benjamin Flowers (Chicago 2012 / Ikuta)
3. Judd Stone (Northwestern 2010 / Winfree (Alaska) / E. Jones)
4. Vivek Suri (Harvard 2013 / Sutton)

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?

Justice Clarence Thomas
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
1. Ari Holtzblatt (Yale 2010 / Tatel),
2. Lauren Pardee (Yale 2010 / Rakoff (S.D.N.Y.) / Katzmann / Liu (Cal.))
3. ?
4. ?

Justice Stephen G. Breyer
1. Michael Gervais (Yale 2011 / Kozinski)
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?

Justice Samuel Alito
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?

Justice Sonia Sotomayor
1. Michael Pollack (NYU 2011 / J.R. Brown)
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?

Justice Elena Kagan
1. Will Dreher (Harvard 2013 / Kavanaugh)
2. Daniel Hemel (Yale 2012 / Boudin / Srinivasan)
3. Amanda Rice (Harvard 2011 / Boasberg (D.D.C.) / Tatel)
4. Elizabeth Wilkins (Yale 2013 / Garland)


Justice John Paul Stevens (retired)
1. Travis Crum (Yale 2011 / Thompson (M.D. Ala.) / Tatel / Bristow Fellow)

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor (retired):
1. Eli Savit (Michigan 2010 / Bea / Tatel)

Justice David H. Souter (retired):
1. ?

Do you have a hire we haven’t reported yet, or an addition or correction to any of this information? Please email us (subject line: “SCOTUS clerk hiring”) or text us (646-820-8477). Thanks!

Law Clerks — October Term 2013 — Law Schools and Prior Clerkships [U.S. Supreme Court]

Earlier: Supreme Court Clerk Hiring Watch: The Official List For October Term 2013
Prior ATL coverage of Supreme Court law clerks