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Everybody Else Is Reading This

The Machinery Of Death Is Back On The Docket: Two Supreme Court Cases This Fall Pose Hard Questions About The Death Penalty How Appealing Report: Congressman Indicted For Biotech Insider Trading To Stay On November Ballot MedCity News Keeping Future Stars Off The Diamond Is Bad Business For MLB Dealbreaker CA Enacts 100% Carbon-Free Energy Standard Breaking Energy
Morning Docket: 09.18.18
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 09.18.18

* There will be new Kavanaugh hearings on Monday... if he's still the nominee by then. [CNBC]

* Have you heard about how Christine Blasey Ford's parents lost a case in front of Kavanaugh's mom and that's why she has it in for him? Yeah... it's not true. [Snopes]

* Kavanaugh has hired Beth Wilkinson. [Law & Crime]

* Anita Hill lawyers offer advice for the upcoming hearings. Personally, I think Ron Klain has the best advice. [National Law Journal]

* If you're going to get sanctioned, try and get sanctioned with a client willing to pay. [Forbes]

* Gary Cohn is sick and tired of people blaming Wall Street for things that were demonstrably Wall Street's fault. The fact that this guy is being treated as having been the "smart" Trump guy is an indictment in and of itself. [Reuters]

* While you weren't looking, Dentons got even bigger. []