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Morning Docket: 05.21.18
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 05.21.18

* According to Rudy Giuliani, special counsel Robert Mueller is planning to have the Russian election interference probe wrapped up by September 1 -- but that end date is apparently contingent on President Trump agreeing to be interviewed. Ooooh, stay tuned, this might get good soon! [New York Times]

* Yesterday, President Trump demanded via Twitter that the Justice Department look into whether his campaign was "infiltrated or surveilled" by the FBI or DOJ for political purposes. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein said he'd be happy to "take appropriate action," and promptly kicked the can to the Inspector General. [Axios]

* In the meantime, never mind the fact that he's never once been contacted by Robert Mueller's team, but Roger Stone says he's "prepared" to be indicted as part of the Mueller investigation after they "conjure up some extraneous crime pertaining to my business." The Trump ally doth protest too much, methinks. [NBC News]

* NO-NO-NO-NOTORIOUS: Elena Kagan isn't the only Supreme Court justice who's shown support for the new law clerk hiring plan. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg reportedly spoke highly about the plan during a recent meeting of the Federal Judges Association. Good luck to all future clerkship applicants! [National Law Journal]

* The millennials are here and make up 43 percent of all attorneys (psssstttt, they've been here for a while already), but the legal profession is just getting around to making the changes that this generation prioritizes. Law firms better hurry up and start providing all of the warm and fuzzy things they want. [American Lawyer]

Non-Sequiturs: 05.20.18

Non-Sequiturs: 05.20.18

* After issuing a TRO to a block a political ad attacking his own allies and campaign donors -- "almost certainly an unconstitutional prior restraint," in the words of First Amendment guru Eugene Volokh -- Judge Doug Martin of Arkansas (finally) recuses himself. [Daily Caller]

* Jim Comey's bestselling book (affiliate link) could cause complications for Robert Mueller and his investigation, according to Joel Cohen. [Law and Crime]

* Which state solicitors general appear most frequently before the Supreme Court? Not surprisingly, Scott Keller of Texas leads the pack, but check out Adam Feldman's list for other notable names. [Empirical SCOTUS]

* Jean O'Grady shares my admiration for the late Tom Wolfe -- and even corresponded with the acclaimed author. [Dewey B Strategic]

* Too few people are willing to take ownership of change -- and this is a big problem, as Greg Lambert explains. [3 Geeks and a Law Blog]

* John Fund asks: has the American Law Institute (ALI) strayed from its mission of describing the law and into advocating changes in the law instead? [National Review]

* What is "Old Tweet Syndrome," and is there a cure for it? Charles Glasser makes a diagnosis. [Daily Caller]

* Adam J. White wonders: Does the Solicitor General's request for more time to file its reply to Sierra Pacific's cert petition in the "Moonlight Fire" case suggest that the Justice Department might confess error? [Weekly Standard]

* If you'll be in Chicago on June 8, please consider coming to the twelfth annual dinner of the Richard Linn Inn of Court, where I'll be speaking -- hope to see you there! [Richard Linn American Inn of Court]

We Need An Entirely New Culture — See Also
See Also

We Need An Entirely New Culture -- See Also

SOMEBODY NEEDS TO STOP ICE: Even Bush appointees seem to agree.

SOMEBODY NEEDS TO STOP RUDY GIULIANI: Even Giuliani seems to agree.

SOMEBODY NEEDS TO STOP TRUMP FROM REVOKING TPS TO PEOPLE BASED ON BIGOTRY: Still waiting for a majority of white Americans to agree.

SOMEBODY NEEDS TO HELP NEW MOTHERS: Seriously, it's 2018, a lactation room is not a freaking luxury. It's just a thing that should be available.

SOMEBODY NEEDS TO START LISTENING TO WOMEN: At least Linklaters is now willing to take calls.

