Above the Law

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See Also

Biglaw Firm Is Winning So Much But Clients Are Still Scared — See Also

Being Right Has Its Consequences: Perkins Coie is winning against Trump in court. But will clients risk Trump’s ire?

These Law Schools Have Amazing First-Time Bar Passage Rates: Is your school on the list?

Outsourcing Summaries, Supremely: Arizona’s newest Supreme Court AI reporters are uncannily good at their jobs.

Trump & Co. Really Don’t Like Birthright Citizenship: And they want SCOTUS to get on board.

Ever Hand In A Resume So Bad You Get 37 Months In Prison?: Biglaw fraud comes with big consequences.


Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 03.14.25

* Court order reinstates tons of federal government workers [Law360]

* Trump takes birthright citizenship order to Supreme Court. [Bloomberg Law News]

* Lawyer heading to prison for lying about Biglaw on resume. [ABA Journal]

* Spencer Fane revenue is up, though PEP actually went down slightly. [American Lawyer]

* Newsmax forks over $40 million over 2020 election statements. [Reuters]

* Baker McKenzie probably should give up having nice things for Lent. [Roll on Friday]

* Delaware Senate unanimously passes new, “screw it, why don’t you corporations just tell us what you want the laws to be?” law. [Delaware News Journal]